Friday, January 11

Guidance by the Holy Spirit

Guidance by the Holy Spirit

Joel 2.28-; Jn. 14.16-8; Rom. 8.14

One of the reasons why believers will stand out in their interests is in their connection to the source. Being connected to the source connotes having the presence or the influence of the source in your life. God knowing the need for this presence in our lives has been making it available for mankind from the beginning, except for the fact that the presence was limited to a few sets of people: The prophets; the priests; and the kings. At the time of Moses the Holy Spirit came on those who had special roles to carry out (Ex. 35.30-31; Num. 11.14-16; 24-29). The prayer of Moses that day became eventually answered with the promise that the Holy Spirit shall come upon all flesh in the last days- Joel 2.28.

Because the Divine presence is needed by all, He’ll be poured out on all flesh. Children (both gender) will prophesy, speak forth or foretell by inspiration. Both age groupings shall see: old men shall dream (become healthy or strong through) dreams; young ones shall see (perceive, contemplate with pleasure) visions.

Life was worth a living for the disciples when Christ was here. He was everything to them. At the close of his earthly ministry however, he told them of his plan not to leave them alone. He would send to them another comforter (of the same kind as himself) who shall be with them as long as the church is here, and be to them exactly what Christ was to them.

The Spirit would take Christ’s place in the lives of his own. He will serve as comforter (counsellor, helper, encourager, and strengthener, and standby) Jn. 14.16-18, by giving them guidance as sons of God - Rom. 8.14; Gal. 5.18; Jn. 16.13. He will bear witness to the believer’s sonship as a seal. Ro 8:16; Gal. 4:6. The witness would be much more than just an inner feeling. It shall be a Divine involvement with the new creation, a testimony to the reality of the new life (relationship) beyond seasonal emotional flushes. The Spirit will make something better of your live by making it a guided tour, leading you in the way to go – Isa. 30.21,23; Ps. 32.8. He will reveal to you truth/realities beyond this natural plane, by digging into what God has in plan for you and revealing them to you - 1 Cor 2.12-14.

He will also relate you with the past and the future by reminding you of the past instructions from Christ (this he does when the actual hour of need comes, the reminder he gives at such times strengthens you to live and conduct yourself rightly, irrespective of the situation or human opinion) and by relating you to the future, he gives you awareness of the tasks ahead; encouraging you on with the blessings ahead - 1 Cor 2 .9-12; and preparing you for the challenges ahead.

You need his guidance today. To enhance the presence/the ministry of the spirit in your life:

  1. Desire his partnership in all aspects of your life, never attend to your tasks without his involvement– Jn. 15.26-7; Acts. 5.32; Heb. 6.4;
  2. Ask the Lord for the step to take/the way to go, for sincerely speaking, he that asks shall receive – Matt. 7.7;
  3. Don’t leave any of his instructions unattended to for he will not take you ahead until the present stones of instructions have been rightly laid (one upon the other);
  4. Humble yourself as one needing the direction not being proud or conceited in your smartness – Jam. 4.6-10; Seek the Lord himself and you will find him: He will draw near to those that come closer to him (Jam. 4.8; 1 Chro. 28.9) while those who fail in this shall be found with evil – 2 Chro. 12.14.
  5. Let your disposition however be like Job’s friend’s (Eliphaz) – Jb. 5.8: seek God and commit the cause of your life to him and he will guide you with his eyes.
