Monday, July 9

Five Clear Rules for Preaching from C. S. Lewis by Ray Hollenbach

Five Clear Rules for Preaching from C. S. Lewis

Whether you are a preacher of an aspiring writer, master communicator C.S. Lewis has some suggestions for you.

C. S. Lewis once wrote to an American boy with advice on clear writing. It turns out to be excellent advice for pastors on preaching as well:

1.   Always try to use the language so as to make quite clear what you mean and make sure your sentence couldn't mean anything else.

2.   Always prefer the clean direct word to the long, vague one. Don't implement promises, but keep them.

3.   Never use abstract nouns when concrete ones will do. If you mean "More people died" don't say "Mortality rose."

4.   In writing, don't use adjectives which merely tell us how you want us to feel about the things you are describing. I mean, instead of telling us the thing is "terrible," describe it so that we'll be terrified. Don't say it was "delightful"; make us say "delightful" when we've read the description. You see, all those words (horrifying, wonderful, hideous, exquisite) are only like saying to your readers, "Please, will you do my job for me."

5.   Don't use words too big for the subject. Don't say "infinitely" when you mean "very"; otherwise you'll have no word left when you want to talk about something really infinite.

(From: Letters to Children, Dorsett & Mead, editors, Simon & Schuster, New York, 1985)

Wednesday, July 4

Preaching Someone Else’s Sermons |

Preaching Someone Else's Sermons

"Discover a fresh new preaching series" read the outside of the envelope. It was an advertisement concerning a sermon series that I could purchase. It is not unusual for me to receive several such advertisements a month. Some promise inspiring messages that will save me — "the busy pastor" — large amounts of time that I don't have for studying.

In fact, sermon-writing services are everywhere. For a small fee each month, pastors can have access to literally hundreds of sermons on any given topic or passage on the Internet. If you are not willing to pay, simply visit any one of thousands of church websites and download this past week's sermon from another pastor. Pastors conferences also provide endless resources. It seems that the once forbidden fruit of preaching ministry has now become a fashionable staple in time management for the modern pastor.

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At one pastors conference I attended, the issue of preaching someone else's sermon came to the forefront. One speaker openly stated that "he would preach better sermons, when someone wrote better sermons." At this same conference, another speaker gave an inspiring message that seemed to stir all in attendance. However, the problem was that I heard the very same message on Christian radio several months before by another well-known speaker.

The availability of these resources (Preaching Plagiarism) poses several questions that must be answered by those who minister in word to God's people. "Is it right to use someone else's sermon and pass it off as your own?" "Is it fair to the congregation?"

Giving in to the Temptation

I have found that it is very difficult to define and schedule a typical week. On any given day, there always seems to be something that comes up that seeks to eat up my schedule. With the destruction of my time schedule, the number one area that is affected is sermon preparation. While this may be true, an overall principle looms in the background. The principle is this, "No matter how busy I may be this week, it is not an option to get up in the pulpit and inform the congregation that there was no time for a message this week." So the pressure to produce is continually there as the weekly deadline approaches.

While I was serving in my first pastorate, I phoned a friend in a nearby church and shared with him the frustration that I was having in developing a Father's Day message. No matter how I struggled to develop a message, I found the well to be dry and Sunday's deadline was coming. My friend listened to my frustration with patience and then he offered a suggestion. "George, do you have any tapes of messages that relate to the needs of men? Simply borrow a message from one of the tapes."

I expressed a reservation to his suggestion. "Isn't that wrong?" I protested. He told me not to worry about it. He pointed out that all preachers borrow their sermons from each other.

So that Sunday, I stood before the congregation and gave them someone else's message. I had never felt as uncomfortable as I did that day. I did not sense that the message was connecting with the congregation. I struggled with the delivery of the message. The message was not an extension of me. It was very evident to me that the message was not mine. From that moment on I made a commitment never to borrow another person's sermon again.

The Perspective of the Church

While one may argue that was my experience and that their experience was more positive, one cannot overlook the expectation of the congregation. After a service one evening, a woman asked me for a tape of the message. Due to technical difficulties, the message was not recorded. So I offered a tape series on a similar topic by another speaker for her use. Her immediate response was "You mean that was not your message?" I assured her that it was indeed my message, but the tape series was an excellent supplement to the subject. She declined, stating that she wanted the tape because of something I said during my message that spoke to her that evening.

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That event communicated a dual perspective on the expectations of the church concerning the pastor's sermon. First, they expect me to bring a sermon that I have personally spent time preparing. Nothing horrifies a church more than to find out that their pastor is using someone else's material.

The other perspective I gleaned was that my sermon belonged to the church. In a real sense the church feels a sense of ownership for the pastor's sermon. At a seminar I attended concerning legal issues facing the church, one speaker shared a number of legal issues that the church might have to deal with down the road. He stated that one issue the church would have to face at some point was the ownership of a pastor's sermon since the church was compensating him. Beyond the fact that they are paying me to bring a message, they expect me to bring God's message to them. In a sense, my message belongs to them because it is supposed to be God's word to them.

Guarding Against the Temptation

Because the ability to use other people's sermons and give into "Preaching Plagiarism" is so readily available, I have had to discipline my life based on two assumptions concerning my sermons.

1. My sermon is a reflection of me. Before taking the pastorate of my current church, I sought the perspective of a wise counselor concerning assuming this pastorate. He stated that he felt the church was a good fit and that my messages would benefit them at this time in the church's history. I thanked him for his thoughts, but stated I was puzzled since he had never personally heard me speak. He stated that he did not need to. He shared that he knew how I spoke based on our friendship. He stated that sermons are a reflection of the speaker.

It was then that I began to understand that my sermons reflect my style, my experiences, my study and grasp of the passage and ultimately my relationship with God. When I speak the Holy Spirit uses my personality to communicate to His people. When I used someone else's sermon, that message is a reflection of the one who wrote it rather than the one who is delivering it.

2. My sermon should be God's message to the congregation I am currently serving. The most important assumption that keeps me from using other people's material is the fact that my message should be God's message to the congregation that I am presently serving. Before taking my current pastorate, I had a database with all of the messages that I had preached at my last church, as well as the notes from my study time. Upon leaving the last pastorate, I destroyed that database. In doing so I would be forced to look at Scripture from a fresh perspective of "what message does God have for my current Church?" While there have been times that I wanted to kick myself for destroying those records, it has insured a fresh message, not a recycled message from another church.

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Getting Our Priorities Right

The fact is that using sermons written by others does save time for the pastor whose schedule is being continuously challenged. However, it reflects misguided priorities.

As a pastor, one of my principal priorities is to feed God's flock. I have been given the task of bringing to them the message that God has given for them. I am to bring them God's word to where they are at that present time.

In succumbing to the temptation of using someone else's material, we rob not only our churches of what they expect, but we rob ourselves of the experience of seeing God use our faithfulness in the study as well as our delivery to speak to His people. Let us overlook the fashionable statements of why it is appealing and remember that it is a forbidden fruit for a reason.


George R. Cannon is Pastor of Curwensville Christian Church in Curwensville, Pennsylvania.

Monday, July 2

Fifty Ways Porn Might Be Sneaking into Your Church by Dannah Gresh - - Christian Leadership Blogs, Articles, Videos, How To's, and Free Resources

Fifty Ways Porn Might Be Sneaking into Your Church

Fifty Ways Porn Might Be Sneaking into Your Church

by Dannah Gresh

Editor's Note: The popularity of the book Fifty Shades of Grey is growing as more women (and men) pull it off the shelves this summer. Dannah Gresh is a sought-after speaker and author who has studied sexuality in the Bible for more than fifteen years. In this bold article, Gresh shares her concern and wisdom to help ministry leaders approach the book with biblical savvy. 


I'm not reading Fifty Shades of Grey.

I wasn't planning to announce this, but I can't help myself. I told my husband, Bob, that I didn't really want to get involved. But then, I found out my girlfriend's 70-year-old mom has her name on a long wait list at the library to borrow Fifty Shades of Grey. And then my mom told me that a relative I love and respect for her strong faith had already devoured the book. She regretfully "can't get the images out of her head."

So here I am. In an attempt to keep the images out of yours, I'd like to explain to you why I'm not reading Fifty Shades of Grey.

Reason #1:

Let's start with the facts. Fifty Shades of Grey is classified as erotic fiction. According to one online dictionary, this genre of literature is defined as that which has "no literary or artistic value other than to stimulate sexual desire." I've been studying what God says about sexuality for fifteen years. According to Him, there is only one who should stimulate sexual desire in me: my husband. Since that's God's plan for my sexual desire, anything other than my husband creating arousal in me would be missing the mark of God's intention. (Translation: it is sin.)

Jesus said it this way: "You have heard that it was said, 'Do not commit adultery.' But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart." The same is true of a woman looking at or reading about a man.

Reason #1? I believe reading erotica is sinful.

I guess I could stop there, but it won't be enough for some of you. So let's go to reason number two.

Fifty Ways Porn Might Be Sneaking into Your Church

by Dannah Gresh

Reason #2:

The Bible has said for thousands of years that lust is hurtful and harmful.

Guess what? Biopsychologists and others are studying the effects of lust, pornography, and erotica on the brain and the body. They are finding that the Bible was, in fact, right. Over time, your body becomes conditioned to self-stimulation and gratification. It's not just a preference. It's physiological.

The lust cuts a literal pathway in your brain tissue that's kind of like a rut. A rut you better be prepared to get stuck in. While at first a little bit of erotica might give you a taste for your spouse, overtime that rut reminds you how great you are at self-stimulation and how powerful your imagination can be.

You'll become less interested in real sex with your husband. (Both SELF magazine and The New Yorker ran articles on this phenomenon in recent years. They both suggested that if you want to have a great sex life, you better push pause on porn!)

The fact is erotica robs you of real sex. It's not good for your marriage or future marriage.

Reason #3:

OK, we're girls. And sadly, a few of our guys have looked at porn. How'd that work for ya? How'd it make you feel? Did it cross your mind that you could never compare to the perfection created by lights, camera, and Photoshop? Well, he can't compare to a plasticized, vanilla interpretation of manhood either.

Fifty Ways Porn Might Be Sneaking into Your Church

by Dannah Gresh

Reason #4:

Do you know what BDSM is? Bondage, dominance, sadism, and masochism. If you don't know what those words mean, be glad. If you do know, you should understand that the most damaging part of Fifty Shades of Grey is that God created sex to be a partnership that's fueled by love and self-giving, not pain and humiliation.

It's not just that this book misuses sex; it redefines it into something evil and transgressive as the lead character dominates in a hurtful manner. How women can enjoy that, I can't understand! But I do have a theory. It seems to me that in our emasculating culture there is a hunger so great for strong men that women will stoop to bondage, dominance, sadism, and masochism for just a taste. Do yourself a favor, don't!

You might be wondering if I've read the book. I haven't. I don't need to. There are many things in this world I need not partake in to discern that they are going to be harmful to me.

God has given me more than fifty shades of truth in His Word and when just one of them is in conflict with my entertainment choices, I choose to pass! To be clear: I wouldn't drive my Envoy into the front of an oncoming semi-truck any more than I would open the pages of Fifty Shades of Grey. I love my marriage, my God, and myself too much.

If your heart resonates with mine, please take a moment today to post these words on Facebook or Twitter: "I'm not reading Fifty Shades of Grey." If you have friends who need help understanding why, send them to this blog. I'd be happy to explain!


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