Monday, June 30

What Supernatural Authority Do You Have?

I was recently in Canada for some deliverance seminars and nights of ministry. One of the ladies I met in Kingston, where there are many prisons, said, "Sometimes my husband and I drive by the Kingston pen and just bind up all of the spirits there."

Another man involved in deliverance ministry there told me about a group of about 25 to 30 people that did "prayer marching and pulling down strongholds" in the city. I asked him what kind of success they'd experienced after a couple of years.

"I don't know of any," he said. "They're all sick, or their families are falling apart. I think they have disbanded."

I have been involved in deliverance ministry for a long time, and unfortunately I've seen this scenario repeated throughout the world. Simply put, Christians make a mistake when they believe they have been given authority to challenge the powers of darkness in the heavenly realm.

Think about it: If we have that authority, why then does it not work? And why limit it to a particular location? If through a human being's declaration to principalities and powers we can change their actions, why not extend it to the whole earth?

I have never seen a positive result from Christians engaging in spiritual warfare with heavenly realm powers. In fact, I have seen the opposite happen, with churches dissolving, ministries crumbling and individuals suffering sickness and multitudes of difficulties.

Why is this, especially when so often we hear aggressive rhetoric about "taking back what the enemy stole" or "possessing the land" the enemy currently inhabits? Unfortunately, many Christians have bought into the troubling doctrine taught today that we have some kind of authority in the heavenlies. If this is so, we should get to the hospitals and psychiatric centers. But it's not true, it doesn't work, and it is very dangerous and foolish to attempt it. Pick a fight with a principality? Please.

Our God-given authority has to do with individuals. Jesus sent His disciples to the people, not against heavenly realm powers. He did not bind the evil prince of Jerusalem; instead, He admonished us to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. He did not pray against heavenly realm powers; He prayed for people. He sent believers commissioned to preach the Good News to nations, not to pray against the demonic powers.

There are two different models of practice among those who are involved in deliverance ministry. One model is to attack principalities and powers, and by doing so, take back the territory they have earned. The other model is to deal with individuals who are saved and want to be free from demon powers in their lives. One model works; the other doesn't. One model Jesus endorsed; the other He did not. The difference, as you will soon see, has to do with our understanding of principalities and powers.

Defining Demonic Forces

The phrase principalities and powers occurs six times in the Bible, always in the King James Version and its derivatives. There are some versions that translate it variously as "rulers and authorities," "forces and authorities" and "rulers and powers."

The principalities and powers of Satan are in a similar structure of power and authority as the holy angels who did not rebel and oppose God. These demonic creatures wield power in the unseen realms to oppose anything and anyone that is of God.

Principalities are the chief rulers of the kingdom of darkness; they are first in rank or power and constitute a high order of evil spirits. Every place you see the word principality in the King James Version of the New Testament, it is the Greek noun arche, defined as "that which is first in time, order or place." This word is used at least seven times in the Scriptures to denote angelic or demonic rulers.

The apostle Paul used the word to depict the battle in which we are engaged: "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places" (Eph. 6:12, NKJV).

The word powers used here is from the Greek noun exousia and means "one who possesses authority or influence." It represents the angelic or demonic authorities that operate in the spirit realm.

But Ephesians 6:12 also speaks about the "rulers of the darkness of this age." To my knowledge, this term is only found in this one verse. Rulers is translated from the Greek noun kosmokrator, which is defined as "lord of the world, the prince of this age." The god of this world, Satan, is indicated here.

The last group mentioned in Ephesians 6:12 is "spiritual hosts of wickedness," or wicked spirits that operate in high places. Here, the Greek word epouranios refers to the dwelling place of God as well as the abode of angels and evil spirits. This also translates to "heavenly places," a sphere of activity or existence above that of the earth.

Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words makes an interesting statement regarding this passage: "The context ('not against flesh and blood') shows that no earthly potentates are indicated, but spirit powers, who, under the permissive will of God, and in consequence of human sin, exercise satanic and therefore antagonistic authority over the world in its present condition of spiritual darkness and alienation from God."

We know the god of this world is Satan (2 Cor. 4:4). He has in place a governmental hierarchy doubtlessly patterned after God's, with numerous levels of authority and power. I don't know how many levels of demonic bureaucracy are between Satan and the demons we deal with on our plain, but it is vast.

Think about it for a moment. If you were god of this earth, what would your governmental organizational chart look like? Would you have a leader established over all the continents? Would you also have them over the seas, the islands, the mountains and the deserts—OK, in all of the earth? Let's just look at the United States. How many levels between you and the president? A lot? How about your state? How about your county, your city? How about your neighborhood, your block? Do you see how vast the demonic hierarchy would be?

Other passages in the Bible either use the phrase principalities and powers or refer to it (e.g., Rom. 8:37-39; Eph. 1:20-21; 3:10-11; Col. 1:16; 2:15; and Titus 3:1). And in every case, it refers to those governmental authorities under whom we dwell. They are duly constituted authorities.

By using the phrase principalities and powers, God's Word reveals a hierarchical structure to the kingdom of darkness—a sophisticated government where fallen angels, evil spirits and demons are ranked one above the other according to their power and authority. These evil spirits exercise influence over people, geographical areas, cities and nations.

One-on-One Encounter

As Christians, however, we can often forget our sphere of authority. Rather than dealing with an individual's deliverance and healing, we foolishly take on this hierarchy of demonic forces.

Whenever I meet with someone for deliverance, it's always at the individual's request. I'm not a demon slayer looking for people who may need my help. When a person comes to me to be rid of what may have entered his life or become attached to it, most often territorial spirits come along. They come to defend the kingdom they have established and because they are over the demons to be dealt with in the person.

Early in my ministry I didn't understand this and couldn't successfully deal with it. But the Holy Spirit showed me how to distinguish between spirits on the inside and demon powers who are present on the outside, generally known as territorial spirits.

Now I first address the outside territorial spirits and determine if they have any legal right to be there. They will communicate with me through the individual. They are being confronted in the name of Jesus. I command from them their names, the names that are recognized by Jehovah God. Once I get their names, I command that they reveal their creative purpose. For instance, I may ask, "When God created you as a holy angel, what did He create you to do?"

An example of the answer that comes would be "To bring peace." So immediately I know that as a demon, he now does the opposite. Remember—they oppose God! I also command the demon to reveal his assigned geographical territory on the earth. I know he has one, and I will insist that he reveal it. Generally it will be the same area where the person was born or where she now lives.

This may sound strange, but I've done this for almost 20 years, and it is always consistent. Now I command the spirits to answer, before Jehovah God, this one question: "Do you have legal permission to be here?" When the answer is no, and it usually is, I command them to return to their place in the heavenlies, to not come back and to not send others to replace them. They leave.

I have documented these events over the years, as I always take notes, and I have thousands of names of territorial spirits and their territories. These demons are principalities and powers.

I used to try to cast those demons into the abyss. "Not possible," they would respond. "You can send me back to the heavenlies, but you can't send me to the abyss." I learned this to be true. I could, however, clean out the kingdom of demons on the inside of a person or those attached to him and send them to the abyss, and I do.

My point here is that there are two levels of this battle, and until we recognize this, we will not be successful.

Do What Jesus Did

Think about the story of the man with demons in Gadara (Mark 5). On one side of the Sea of Galilee a mother was crying. I believe the father was too. Their son was tormented, and they did not know what to do. There was no psychiatrist or psychologist to consult. Not only was their son tormented, but also he tormented others. He couldn't live at home; he couldn't function in society. In today's world he would doubtlessly be in prison or in a secure mental institution.

I don't know how old he was or how long he had been in this condition. I do know he had a mother and father. I'm pretty sure they had done all they knew to do. Still, they prayed. Maybe the man himself, in a moment of sanity, cried out to God. I believe a prayer was heard when Jesus spoke to His disciples, "Let us cross over to the other side" (Mark 4:35, NKJV). What was on the other side? This man in a hopeless condition!

Not only were there prayers being prayed, but I believe there was also communication going on in the demonic spirit realm. I believe the demons on the inside of this man knew Jesus was coming because they had been told—warned. They all knew Him. I believe they cried to their principalities and powers, to their territorial spirits, asking for help. There is lots of communication going on in the demonic kingdom of darkness.

Perhaps the principalities stirred the storm. They stir storms; Jesus stills them. Notice He did not speak to the principalities but to the storm they had created. He did not bind the prince of the Sea of Galilee; He destroyed their works. That is what the Bible says Jesus came to do. First John 3:8 says, "For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil."

There are many lessons to be learned in this account. Jesus spoke to the demons in the man. He demanded the name of the demons. In private, He commanded demons to speak; in public, He forbade them to speak.

I find the same thing true in our ministry. We don't have conversation; we have confrontation! They knew who He was; they still do. They obeyed His command, and they still bow in His name.

We don't know much about the rest of the story, except the man was completely rid of demons. Where he had been naked, out of his mind and a problem to others, he was now clothed, in his right mind and wanting to follow Jesus.

Second Corinthians 10:5 says, "Casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ." Look what Jesus did for the Gadarene—He restored him to his right mind!

The Ultimate Authority

And therein lies the truth we must keep at the forefront of our minds when dealing with the supernatural realm. Before there were demons, there were angels. Before there were angels, there was God. Colossians 1:16 reads, "For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him."

Here is the clear statement that God is the Creator and ruler over all authorities. Whatever power the evil spirits possess, they are always subject to the rule of our sovereign God, who, according to Daniel 4:35 and Isaiah 46:10-11, uses even the wicked for bringing about His perfect plan and purpose.

In Colossians 2:15, we see again that Jesus is the ultimate power over all other powers: "Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it." As ancient armies would return to announce their victory, sometimes they returned with the enemies' body armor tied to the horses and the body of the enemy leader strapped to the chariot wheels, making a triumphal entry back into the city. This was a display of public humiliation of the enemy. So Jesus Christ has made a public spectacle of demon powers through His death, burial and resurrection!

There is no power that is not subject to Christ's control or living beneath His name. Principalities and powers, rulers of darkness, and spiritual wickedness in high places have all been disarmed by the cross. The Savior, by His death and resurrection, took dominion from them. I have never encountered a demonic power that doesn't recognize this as truth. It is in His name and by His authority—not ours—that we   have victory.

Don Dickerman, an ordained Southern Baptist minister, has directed an evangelistic ministry to prisons since 1974. He received an anointing to minister in the areas of deliverance and healing and has seen many lives transformed. Prior to answering God's call to minster in prisons, he pastored churches and worked as an evangelist. Don's latest book, People, Pigs and Principalities, releases this month.

Don Dickerman shares  how demons can influence and oppress believers—and how to cast out these evil spirits—at

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The Real Reason Liberal Churches Are Losing Members

Almost every day conservative Christians are told that if we don't become more enlightened and progressive, we will become irrelevant to society as our numbers continue to decline.

In reality, the opposite is true: We will only be relevant to the extent we honor God and hold fast to biblical truth, which is why the more "progressive" and "enlightened churches" are the ones losing members the most rapidly.

God will back His gospel, not some man-made, watered-down message.

God will back the exaltation of Jesus, not some muddled, every-path-leads-to-God nonsense.

God will back the call to take up the cross and live for Him, not some flesh-pleasing success formula.

God will back biblical standards, not some meet-me-halfway, worldly-wise compromise.

The truth be told, most people who are serious about spiritual things are looking to join with people of like mind, while most people who don't take God's Word seriously will not take spiritual commitment seriously either.

Why bother going to church if you don't believe what's being preached? Why go to a prayer meeting or a Bible study if you're not sure any of it is real? Why make a serious commitment to church life if you view committed Christians as radical extremists?

In 1974, a German theologian named Gerhard Meier wrote a bold and controversial book entitled The End of the Historical Critical Method, explaining that what the seminaries were teaching the pastors was not helping the people.

Maier argued that pastors in training would attend seminary, where they would learn the "historical critical" method of interpretation, being told that Moses didn't write the Pentateuch, that the prophets didn't predict the coming of the Messiah, that Jesus didn't really rise from the dead, and that the Bible was not truly God's Word, among other things. Then they would go and preach to their congregations, but they had nothing to give them.

The congregants came to church services to find strength and guidance, to grow in faith and hope, to learn how to cope with difficult circumstances, but the pastors were full of unbelief. And so, cathedrals that seated 3,000 people would have 30 in attendance on Sunday morning.

Recently, in light of a steep decline in attendance at Church of England services, Baroness Brenda Hale, one of England's top judges, told a conference at Yale Law School that the Church of England is in decline precisely it makes so few demands on its adherents: "It has no dietary laws, no dress codes for men or women and very little that its members can say is actually required of them by way of observance."

How remarkable. It appears that Lady Hale is aware of the old adage that if something costs nothing, it is worth nothing.

To be sure, some church groups will grow because of an "itching ear" message, as the preachers tell the people what they want to hear. This is one of the reasons that Jesus said that the road to destruction is broad (see Matthew 7:13). But over the long haul, there will not likely be sustainable life and growth on a denominational level where compromise is the hallmark.

And there are, it is true, conservative denominations like the Southern Baptist Convention that have seen a decline in membership in recent years, although the reasons for that appear to be varied.

But it is the liberal churches, those which embrace abortion and homosexual practice and which compromise biblical truth and biblical standards, which have experienced the steepest decline in membership. In all likelihood, they also have far lower commitment levels from their people.

Wikipedia notes that, "At the time of its formation, the UCC [United Church of Christ] had over 2 million members in nearly 7,000 churches. The denomination has suffered a 44 percent loss in membership since the mid-1960s ... As of the 2014 Annual Yearbook of the UCC, membership is listed as 979,239 members in 5154 local churches."

The Episcopal Church had a membership of 3.4 million in the mid-1960s; today, that number is slightly over 2 million.

The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has dropped from a membership of 4.25 million in the mid-1960s to 1.8 million today, a number that is expected to decline rapidly in the coming years.

Yet these are some of the churches which have led the charge on liberal causes like the redefining of marriage.

I thought young people were leaving our churches because we weren't liberal enough. I thought young people and old people were flocking to these enlightened, progressive churches. Perhaps the reports about why people are leaving the churches are not as accurate as they seem?

I don't dispute that many Americans, especially young people, have been turned off to "religion" and have left the church because they view Christians as hypocrites or because they are turned off by the politicizing of American Christianity.

But it appears that many of those who have left were affiliated with liberal denominations more than conservative denominations. As noted in a 2011 report by the National Council of Churches, while many liberal, so-called "mainline" Protestant churches were declining in membership, "strong figures from the Assemblies of God and the Church of God (Cleveland, Tenn.) suggest an increase in the number of adherents to Pentecostal groups ..." (quoting Rev. Eileen Linder; recent reports from the AG do confirm this growth trend, both in the USA and abroad).

This is true around the world (primarily outside of Europe and North America), where Bible-based, Spirit-filled churches that hold to conservative moral values are outgrowing all other religious expressions, as the respected statistician David Barrett has documented for more than three decades. When people truly encounter the Lord, they will gladly forsake everything and follow Him.

Let's not believe the lie that the way to win the world is by becoming worldly.

Let's hold fast to Jesus, let's ask the Lord to cleanse us from all hypocrisy and compromise, let's renew our love for the Lord and for our neighbor, let's ask our Father for a fresh touch of His Spirit, and let's live out the high and lofty standards of the Word, without compromise or apology.

No doubt, opposition will come. But so will the people—hungry, thirsty, hurting and ready to give their lives for something that counts forever.

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Saturday, June 28

5 Ways for Men to Bless Their Families Every Day

If you're a husband or father in your household, than you fall into the same category as me... a leader.

Everyday is a schedule. It includes things you need to do for yourself, your work and your family. The things you do for yourself are most likely very common, almost mindless. There are the daily things you do to take care of yourself. These are great, but God requires more.

There are the things you need to do for work. Gather information, purchase materials or equipment and manage your meetings or schedules. This is what you get paid to do to support yourself and your family. Even though it is a must, God still requires more of you.

Your family and your relationship with God consists of the most important things you should be doing throughout your day. My daily challenge is intentionally making them a part of my day. For some reason, I can make the things I do for myself almost mindless, but the things I need to do to bless my family take hard work.

Why? Because although these are the most important tasks you need to be performing, they are also the ones the enemy will fight the hardest against. Arrows of distraction are going to be assaulted at you in every way to make sure you don't seek ways to bless your family and your relationship with God. But even through that fight, God still requires it.

Over the past few years of listening to God, listening and learning from great speakers, and attending leadership classes, I have come across many forms and ways to keep myself focused and my daily walk on a straight path. The few ideas below have come from years of learning and applying. And even in this list, God still requires more of me.

Here are five ways you could be blessing your family every day:

1. Pray for your family before you leave the house each morning. Sounds simple right? Try it. Better yet, remember to do it. I have made it a habit that before I walk out the front door each morning and leave my wife and son alone for the day, to pray for them and bless their time together. Even though this only takes me less than a minute, I know God will take the prayer and apply it accordingly. If you experience a similar scenario each morning, challenge yourself to change your ways and pray before you leave your home.

2. Engage briefly during the workday. Co-workers, meetings, lunches and temptations. All of these distractions will most likely hit you doing your workday. Don't think you can bless your family during this time? Don't think you have the time? Wrong ... Even saying another short prayer during the middle of your work day for your family could make an impact. Try sending your spouse or children a quick text to let them know your thinking about them or praying for them. Make it known that you are the leader by serving them when they least expect it.

3. Pray for yourself, your heart and your attitude when you leave work. I recently attended a marriage conference featuring author and speaker Dan Seaborn. Besides it being a great conference and making a great impact in our marriage, I picked up some really useful tips. Dan mentioned that he would leave work stressed and overwhelmed and take all of that pain home with him. This would always result in a rough experience at home upon his arrival. He decided to change the game. Instead of getting home unprepared, he started praying for his heart and attitude before he left for work. His wife didn't even recognize him for the first few days. I challenge you to consider saying a short prayer before you leave work each day. Pray that God would prepare your heart and attitude for your family.

4. Engage in your family when you are home. Getting home and being the good husband or father is what you prayed for when you left work. Turn off the phone, kick off the television, and find out what happened during the day. Don't make it all about you either, serve your spouse and children by helping them out in their situations. I, personally, have a long drive home everyday. When I pull in the driveway and start walking towards the door, I know I need to stay focused on those who are most important to me. I've been praying for my family, now I get to spend quality time with them. Don't let this time go wasted.

5. Pray with and for you family often. Praying with and for your family was covered in each area above, but you need to engage in actual prayer with your wife and children. Let them know you are praying for their safety and protection each day when you are away and show them the same thing when you are with them. Show that you are the leader whether you are home or not. Remember, it doesn't have to be long or drawn out; but it needs to be from the heart and it needs to be often. Get to work!

Share with the community. What is one thing you do to bless your family everyday?

Manturity is a blog built on establishing spiritual maturity in today's man. The goal is to assist men in building better marriages and help them in grow in maturity and explore different aspects of manhood. features new weekly blog posts, daily social media updates and a powerful resources page. Stay up to date with the Manturity blog communities on Facebook and Twitter.

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Thursday, June 26

Ritualists’ den owned by a pastor uncovered in Lagos, 8 kidnapped victims rescued

A ritualist den owned by one pastor Ernest Nwankwo, the General Overseer of Holy Family Ministry a.k.a House of Mercy was yesterday June 25th uncovered at Ogolonto area in Ikorodu, Lagos, with 8 victims rescued.

According to Vanguard, the den was discovered after a failed attempt by a woman identified as Mrs Rosemary Chukwu, a member of Pastor Nwankwo's church, to kidnap her neighbor's 7 year old son, Emeka Emmanuel to the den for rituals.

Sources in the area said around 6.30 am yesterday, Mrs Chukwu lured the little boy who was on his way to fetch water from a well down the road and took him to her house where she locked him in the toilet. To keep her neighbors from hearing the little boy's screams for help, Chukwu then instructed her own children to begin a prayer session which they did, shouting on top of their voices. Continue...
Trouble however started when the boy's mother who stays four buildings from Mrs Chukwu raised alarm after she could not find her son. A search for the young boy began which Mrs Chukwu also partook in. Minutes into the search, Mrs Chukwu was said to have excused herself, went into her house and then came out with a box on her head, saying she was travelling. Suspecting foul play, some of the area boys instructed her to put down the suitcase which was opened and the unconscious body of the 7 year old boy was discovered.

A resident of the area, Oyetoye Gbemi who spoke with Vanguard said the area boys descended on her and she confessed it was her pastor who sent her
"She told us she was travelling to the village. But one of the area boys who was among the search party, ordered his colleagues to search the box. Immediately she heard that, she flung the box away and took to her heels. We all suspected something was amiss. When the box was opened, Emmanuel was found inside, half dead. The area boys descended on her and stripped her naked. On interrogation, she said her pastor, the General Overseer of Holy Family Ministry a.k.a House of Mercy, asked her to bring the boy. The area boys followed her to 319, Lagos Road, Ikorodu, where the church is situated, where they saw her pastor waiting for her. But on sighting the crowd, he took to his heels. But for the arrival of Policemen from Owutu division, the woman would have been lynched. The angry mob also attempted to set the church ablaze but were also prevented by the policemen. They, however, succeeded in torching some parts of the property." he said
In the process of chasing the fleeing Pastor and burning some part of the church building, area boys forced open a door to a building at 7, Oshodi Street, which was directly at the back of the church building and owned by Pastor Ernest. To everyone's amazement, men and women, eight in number, chained and looking frail were found in the building. The captives upon interrogation said they were kidnapped from various places like Ogun, Anambra, Bayelsa and Oyo states. One of the captives, a 50 year old woman said she was kidnapped while returning from a night vigil. One of the rescued victim, 52 year old man pictured above without a shirt said he was a commercial bus driver and was kidnapped two years ago.

Residents in the area said the building owned by the pastor had always been under suspicion as no one ever saw anyone coming out or going in during the day. They said most of the activities carried out in the building is usually done at night.
Police sources confirmed the arrest of Mrs Chukwu while her pastor is currently on the run.

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Wednesday, June 25

Sudanese woman freed again...finally leaves Sudan

Meriam Ibrahim, the Sudanese woman sentenced to death for Apostasy, has finally been freed after she was re-arrested at Khartoume airport as she attempted to leave Sudan with her family to an undisclosed location.

U.S. State Department during a briefing with reporters in Washington D.C today said Meriam is now free, safe and secure but didn't make it clear if she'd left Sudan for the U.S, where she's expected to seek political asylum.

Sudanese officials later said they didn't arrest Meriam, that she was only detained over a "travel document issue" that was discovered at the airport but she's since been released and had boarded a flight out of Sudan today. Her whereabouts are currently unknown.

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How Looking Back Can Stop God's Will

Fifteen words in the Old Testament share the story of Lot's wife. This brief record of her life has placed her in the history of well-known women in the world. "But his wife looked back from behind him, and she became a pillar of salt" (Genesis 19:26 nkjv).

In the New Testament we find three words, "Remember Lot's wife" (Luke 17:32 nkjv). Jesus was speaking to His disciples about the final judgment. Each time I read this scripture, I sense an urgency in my spirit.

Lot's family had been blessed and prospered by the hand of God. They had been in close relationship with Abraham and Sarah. They had a good foundation, but they still chose to move to Sodom, knowing that it was a wicked city. There they learned to enjoy the way of the world, the "good life," and the materialistic pleasures soon captured their hearts and minds.

Lot's wife heard the warnings of destruction to the city she loved, but she did not heed them. She did not discern the signs of the time. She loved the city and her life of pleasure. As she lingered, the angel had to take her hand and lead her outside the city, urging her to keep moving, don't look back and escape to the mountains so you will not be destroyed!

Instead of being thankful for her salvation, she looked back and lingered on the past, and did not receive the grace of God.

We do not know the personal details of her life—where she was born, when she married, what her background was, or even her name. Yet she made her mark in history. The world still talks about Lot's wife.

It was a heart issue. That means we are all vulnerable to the same problem. "Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life" (Proverbs 4:23 nkjv).

We must value and protect our mind, emotions and will. Our mind is the gateway to the heart. "Put away from you a deceitful mouth, and put perverse lips far from you. Let your eyes look straight ahead, and your eyelids look right before you. Ponder the path of your feet, and let all your ways be established. Do not turn to the right or the left; remove your foot from evil" (Proverbs 4:24-27 nkjv). Your mouth, lips, eyes and feet are the physical symbols for communication, attention and behavior.

The Bible tells us in Romans 12:2 nkjv, "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God." How do we guard our heart and establish our way? How do we keep from the deadly, over-the-shoulder glance that indicates a heart not set on Him?

As we fill our hearts with the Word of God, we become established in the ways of God. The Holy Spirit is our teacher (John 14:26). As we learn to listen and follow the voice of the Lord (John 10:4), He will lead us by the still waters. He will shelter us and keep us in peace.

We first have to make the choice that we want to know God and follow Him. Just as God desired to deliver Lot's wife, she had to choose to heed the warning. Our life is composed of our choices and constructed by our words. If you are full of the world, bitterness and hate, you will not make wise choices. God desires to deliver you from the hurts and heartaches of life. Life is full of pain, but misery is optional to the woman of God.

"No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it" (1 Corinthians 10:13 nkjv).

God sent angels to take Lot's wife by the hand (Genesis 19:16) to make "a way of escape" for her. She had been compelled to leave the city, but the city was still in her heart. She gave in to the temptation of just one more glance, and paid the price with her life.

"All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness" (2 Timothy 3:16 nkjv). I believe we need to take heed to the words of Jesus, "Remember Lot's Wife" and study this scripture in Luke 17:32.

As we look around us today, do you not see the signs of the times? God has made the way of escape. His name is Jesus. Choose this day whom you will serve.

Joyce Tilney is Founder of Women of God Ministries, teaching women today from women of yesterday. She is author of three books. For more information visit her websites: and

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Tuesday, June 24

Sudanese woman, Meriam Ibrahim, re-arrested at the airport

Our prayers are not over. 

Meriam Ibrahim, the Sudanese woman who was freed yesterday June 23rd after months of being in detention for marrying a Christian and denouncing her Muslim faith has been re-arrested by security officials at the Khartoum Airport in Sudan.
CNN reports Meriam's  lawyer said she was arrested along with her husband and children as they were trying to leave Sudan. Reason for her re-arrest has not yet been stated. More later...

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Thursday, June 5

What to Do When You’re Blamed for Something You Didn’t Do

Every morning for 35 years, James Bain awoke with the face of injustice staring at him from across his Florida prison cell. He didn't need a reminder of the years lost to a crime he never committed, yet every day, every hour presented an unrelenting challenge to his one hope—that one day he'd be proven innocent.

As an 18-year-old, Bain had been convicted of kidnapping and raping a 9-year-old boy. An ordinary night in 1974 of watching TV with his sister instantly changed when two officers knocked at the door and asked him to answer a few questions down at the station. With only a few parking tickets in his past, he figured it would take minutes and didn't even inform his family that he'd left. But a single night in jail turned into decades when he received a life sentence that, despite evidence pointing to his innocence and an unfair trial, was upheld even after numerous appeals.  

When Florida's laws regarding DNA testing changed in 2006, the door finally opened for Bain's conviction to be argued and his innocence proven. And on Dec. 17, 2009, at 54 years old, he left prison as a free man, exonerated by the state. Bain has every reason to be bitter, yet his response in the face of such injustice is remarkable. "I'm not angry," he said on the day of his release. "I got God in my head. I knew one day He will reveal me."

Few of us will ever face a trial like Bain. The injustices we typically deal with pale in comparison, yet too often we act as if we've been handed a life sentence by a rigged jury. Instead of trusting in God's vindication—no matter how big or small the injustice—we take it upon ourselves to fight our accusers and keep a lifelong mental record of those who've "done us wrong."

Scripture guides us on a starkly different path. It's one Jesus modeled to perfection His entire life, particularly as He faced the greatest injustice in human history: His crucifixion. As we remember Christ's ultimate sacrifice during Good Friday and Easter this year, keep in mind the following biblical principles—and how Jesus modeled them—on how to respond when you're blamed for something you didn't do.

1) Hold your tongue. Our most dangerous body part, the tongue is "a world of evil among the parts of the body" (James 3:6, NIV). Yet when the heat turns up, most of us let our tongues run wild, and the result is a wildfire that destroys us and everyone around. When you're wrongly accused, don't lash out in "defense" with your words. Don't even resort to grumbling, gossiping or complaining. Jesus could've silenced His accusers with one word during His arrest and sham trial, yet He bit His tongue. In the face of false accusations, be wise and let others speak on your behalf.

2) Put things in perspective. Step back and ask: Are these accusations really that big of a deal? When I meet persecuted believers from around the world, I'm often struck by how consumed most are with the bigger mission of sharing the Good News. Their suffering is secondary to their kingdom call. Like Jesus, they're willing to take up their cross for the sake of God's higher purpose of saving souls. Before reacting with bitterness or anger against your accusers, consider both others' plight and the divine purposes of your own trial.

3) Turn the other cheek. Jesus' words in Matthew 5:39 have been part of our language for generations, yet how many of us, when facing unfair accusations, humble ourselves to serve our attackers—even posturing ourselves for more potential assault? Everything in our nature and culture calls this foolishness, yet Christ calls it the way of His kingdom. Why? Because we must also ...

4) Understand that vengeance is the Lord's. God's sovereignty trumps our limited sense of justice every time. We aren't the ultimate judge; He is. Because of this foundational principle in life, revenge—if it's even warranted—isn't ours to deliver in the first place to those who attack us.

5) Forgive your accusers. Jesus' words in Luke 23:34 tell it all: "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." Remember, He said this in the very moment of being crucified! If He could forgive those who brought about the worst injustice ever, we can forgive others, whatever the case.

After enduring a night of unjust beatings and verbal assaults, Jesus was asked by Pilate, "Aren't you going to answer? See how many things [the chief priests] are accusing you of" (Mark 15:4). Christ may have stayed silent with His words then, but His actions still resound throughout all time. He's empowered us with the Holy Spirit to respond just as He did when we face any kind of injustice. After all, it's by His blood—not ours—that we overcome.

Marcus Yoars is the editor of Charisma. Follow him on Twitter @marcusyoars or Facebook at

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What to Do When You’re Blamed for Something You Didn’t Do

Every morning for 35 years, James Bain awoke with the face of injustice staring at him from across his Florida prison cell. He didn't need a reminder of the years lost to a crime he never committed, yet every day, every hour presented an unrelenting challenge to his one hope—that one day he'd be proven innocent.

As an 18-year-old, Bain had been convicted of kidnapping and raping a 9-year-old boy. An ordinary night in 1974 of watching TV with his sister instantly changed when two officers knocked at the door and asked him to answer a few questions down at the station. With only a few parking tickets in his past, he figured it would take minutes and didn't even inform his family that he'd left. But a single night in jail turned into decades when he received a life sentence that, despite evidence pointing to his innocence and an unfair trial, was upheld even after numerous appeals.  

When Florida's laws regarding DNA testing changed in 2006, the door finally opened for Bain's conviction to be argued and his innocence proven. And on Dec. 17, 2009, at 54 years old, he left prison as a free man, exonerated by the state. Bain has every reason to be bitter, yet his response in the face of such injustice is remarkable. "I'm not angry," he said on the day of his release. "I got God in my head. I knew one day He will reveal me."

Few of us will ever face a trial like Bain. The injustices we typically deal with pale in comparison, yet too often we act as if we've been handed a life sentence by a rigged jury. Instead of trusting in God's vindication—no matter how big or small the injustice—we take it upon ourselves to fight our accusers and keep a lifelong mental record of those who've "done us wrong."

Scripture guides us on a starkly different path. It's one Jesus modeled to perfection His entire life, particularly as He faced the greatest injustice in human history: His crucifixion. As we remember Christ's ultimate sacrifice during Good Friday and Easter this year, keep in mind the following biblical principles—and how Jesus modeled them—on how to respond when you're blamed for something you didn't do.

1) Hold your tongue. Our most dangerous body part, the tongue is "a world of evil among the parts of the body" (James 3:6, NIV). Yet when the heat turns up, most of us let our tongues run wild, and the result is a wildfire that destroys us and everyone around. When you're wrongly accused, don't lash out in "defense" with your words. Don't even resort to grumbling, gossiping or complaining. Jesus could've silenced His accusers with one word during His arrest and sham trial, yet He bit His tongue. In the face of false accusations, be wise and let others speak on your behalf.

2) Put things in perspective. Step back and ask: Are these accusations really that big of a deal? When I meet persecuted believers from around the world, I'm often struck by how consumed most are with the bigger mission of sharing the Good News. Their suffering is secondary to their kingdom call. Like Jesus, they're willing to take up their cross for the sake of God's higher purpose of saving souls. Before reacting with bitterness or anger against your accusers, consider both others' plight and the divine purposes of your own trial.

3) Turn the other cheek. Jesus' words in Matthew 5:39 have been part of our language for generations, yet how many of us, when facing unfair accusations, humble ourselves to serve our attackers—even posturing ourselves for more potential assault? Everything in our nature and culture calls this foolishness, yet Christ calls it the way of His kingdom. Why? Because we must also ...

4) Understand that vengeance is the Lord's. God's sovereignty trumps our limited sense of justice every time. We aren't the ultimate judge; He is. Because of this foundational principle in life, revenge—if it's even warranted—isn't ours to deliver in the first place to those who attack us.

5) Forgive your accusers. Jesus' words in Luke 23:34 tell it all: "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." Remember, He said this in the very moment of being crucified! If He could forgive those who brought about the worst injustice ever, we can forgive others, whatever the case.

After enduring a night of unjust beatings and verbal assaults, Jesus was asked by Pilate, "Aren't you going to answer? See how many things [the chief priests] are accusing you of" (Mark 15:4). Christ may have stayed silent with His words then, but His actions still resound throughout all time. He's empowered us with the Holy Spirit to respond just as He did when we face any kind of injustice. After all, it's by His blood—not ours—that we overcome.

Marcus Yoars is the editor of Charisma. Follow him on Twitter @marcusyoars or Facebook at

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Don’t Hide the Holy Spirit in a Seeker-Friendly Box

Pentecost Sunday is this weekend. Some pastors may preach a sermon on the Holy Spirit's ministry; others might read Acts 2; others may hang a red and orange banner over the stage to remind people of the Spirit's fire. Some might even allow a livelier-than-usual song to be performed since, after all, it's Pentecost!

The sermons, Bible verses, banners and music are all great. But I'm looking beyond this Sunday. I'd like to know if we're willing to allow the Holy Spirit to get out of the box we've put Him in.

Everywhere I go I hear pastors asking the same question: How can we encourage the freedom of Pentecost in a church culture that has become increasingly scripted, scheduled and controlled right down to the nanosecond. The essence of Pentecost, which came "suddenly" (Acts 2:2), was its unpredictability. But there seems to be no room for God's sudden surprises when we already have our sermons planned out for the next six months.

Here are eight practical things we can do to encourage the freedom of Pentecost in our churches:

1. Teach about the Holy Spirit often. The Holy Spirit was rarely mentioned in the church I grew up in, so we never expected Him to do anything. Yet He is described in the second verse of the Bible as "moving" upon the surface of the newly created world (Gen. 1:2) and He has one of the last messages in the Bible (see Rev. 22:17). He moves and He speaks throughout the Scriptures! But we must invite Him to move and speak in our churches by giving Him the place He deserves.

2. Leave room for altar calls and personal ministry. A church without altar ministry is like a hospital without a maternity ward. New life begins at the altar—whether it is salvation, healing, prophetic ministry or the impartation of a fresh anointing. Today many churches that offer multiple services often skimp on ministry time because they are focused on herding the 10 a.m group out of the sanctuary to get ready for the 11:30 a.m. crowd. Multiple services are fine, but we are crowding the Spirit out of the church if we don't schedule time for people to respond to the message.

3. Have small groups where people can use the Holy Spirit's gifts. It's not practical for everyone to prophesy or exercise other spiritual gifts in a large congregation. But if people are plugged into small groups or Bible classes there will be opportunities for believers to encourage one another in supernatural ways. And people are more comfortable stepping out in faith in front of 10 people than they are in front of 3,000.

4. Train people in prophecy, healing and Spirit-led ministry. Many pastors clamp down on the operation of spiritual gifts because a few fanatics with inflated egos like to pull the church into weirdness with their visions, dreams or strange teachings. But in our effort to protect the sheep from deception let's not pull the pendulum to the other extreme by forbidding the gifts of the Spirit. The genuine power of God will flow if we teach people the difference between authentic anointing and strange fire.

5. Offer "teaching moments" to explain the gifts of the Spirit. I've been in churches where Brother Herschel or Sister Agnes prophesied in such a harsh, condemning tone that everyone in the church let out a collective groan. Their "words from God" had the same effect on the congregation as fingernails on a chalkboard. We cannot just ignore these moments and move on. When the Corinthians mishandled speaking in tongues and prophecy in the first century, the apostle Paul used their mistakes as an opportunity to teach about how to use gifts properly. In the same way, a leader must address spiritual abuse from the pulpit by teaching that prophetic messages should be delivered in love and in God's tone of voice.

6. Expose your church to healthy ministries that flow in the anointing. There are some charlatans selling the Holy Spirit's gifts today—on television and in churches. But not every traveling minister is a fake. God has raised up thousands of prophets who have not bowed their knees to the Baals of exploitation, greed and gimmicks. We need life-giving traveling ministries because God sends them to win new converts, heal the sick, unleash prophetic power, train leaders and impart new vision in congregations. We should not be afraid to expose our churches to men and women of character who are called to minister in the supernatural.

7. Give time for testimonies of God's supernatural power. Nothing raises the faith level of a congregation like someone's raw experience with God. If a man was healed this week in your church, let him shout it from the housetops. If an infertile couple got pregnant, let them tell about the goodness of God. Stories of supernatural intervention trigger a holy expectation in everyone—and God gets the glory for His miracles.

8. Preach about holiness. Let's never forget that the Holy Spirit is holy. When people are filled with the Spirit, the Spirit burns up their sinful habits (see Matt. 3:11-12). The Spirit is quenched by immorality, carnality and pride, and He does not manifest His power when God's people are steeped in sin and compromise. Many churches today have stopped warning God's people about the dangers of sin, so we don't confront anymore. We've figured out that people will pack the house if we give them sugary-sweet motivational pep talks that never step on toes. By avoiding the tough topics, we've essentially told the Holy Ghost to take a hike.

As we celebrate Pentecost, let's fling open the doors and allow the Spirit to have His way. Instead of being afraid of what He might disrupt, or who He might offend, let's rather fear what our churches would be like without Him.

J. Lee Grady is the former editor of Charisma. You can follow him on Twitter at @leegrady. He is the author of The Holy Spirit Is Not for Sale and other books.

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How to Help Your Spouse Have an Affair

More often than not, affairs don't just happen. Oh, sure, sometimes they do, but there are usually things that are said or not said, done or not done, over the years that are contributing factors.

Also, while I'm not suggesting that the husband or wife who has the affair is in any way justified in doing so, a lot of the time the other spouse has helped to push them in that direction. My wife, Susan, and I often say, "In marriage, there are two people and two sides to every story."

The same holds true when we hear the story of a husband or wife having an affair. Both can point to things that led to the infidelity. When it occurs, the "guilty" party is usually slammed publicly by friends and others while the other spouse is talked about as the helpless victim who was wronged by their lowly, good-for-nothing spouse. But people forget that the other spouse's hands may not be completely clean.

So if you want to help your spouse have an affair, do the following:

1. Don't really listen. Act like you're listening, but continue to glance at your emails or the television while they are talking. And be sure not to feel what they feel. After they pour they're heart out to you, just say to them "You shouldn't feel that way" or "Why are you getting so emotional about it? ... It's no big deal."

2. Stop having intimate conversations. When your spouse wants to talk to you about their hopes and dreams for the future, make a really good excuse as to why you can't talk right now, like "I can't talk right now; I need to help the kids with their homework" or "You know my favorite TV show is coming on now. Can we talk about it later?"

3. Constantly criticize, compare, and degrade. Think of ways you can hurt and tear down your spouse with your critical or comparing words ... "I asked you to do one thing for me and you didn't do it. Can't you do anything right?" Or, "I wish you were more like_________. He's always doing nice things for his wife."

4. Do sports and activities only with your friends. Be sure to schedule golf outings or tennis matches with your friends. Check with your neighbor to see if they want to go for a walk. But by no means, do those things with your spouse.

5. Withhold affection and sex. Want to catapult your mate into an affair? Then be sure only to show them affection when they've done what you asked them to do. And, make sure you are really well rested and "in the mood" before you make love. Oh, and if your spouse has not been behaving like you want them to behave, then cut them off at least for a while.

6. Spend more time on Facebook, Twitter, and the Internet. This is an easy way to push your spouse away. When you have a few minutes after the kids go to bed, pull out your laptop and spend an hour or so posting, tweeting, and surfing. Maybe even take your smartphone or iPad to bed with you.

7. Invest all of your time and energy in your kids. Say to your spouse, "Look, the kids come first." Then, be sure that your universe revolves around your children. If your kids need you to clean their uniform or make their dinner, your spouse will just have to wait. There is just no time for dates with your mate during this season of life. Maybe one day...

8. Of course, no one wants to help their husband or wife have an affair. So do your best not to do the things I've mentioned and avoid these 12 Things That Can Cause Marriage Failure. Reading these 10 Ways to "Affair Proof" Your Marriage may help you too.

Are you doing any of the things mentioned above? What are you going to do about it?

Mark Merrill is the president of Family First. For the original article, visit

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A Prayerful Denzel Washington Tells Young Actors, 'Get on Your Knees in the Morning'

Denzel Washington recently told a group of young actors that a good way to make sure you pray every morning is to put your shoes "way under the bed at night" so you "gotta get on your knees in the morning."

The Academy Award-winning actor was seen speaking to the young people in a video R&B singer and actor Tyrese Gibson posted on Facebook Sunday. He encouraged the group of seemingly aspiring actors to use their talent for good and always remember to pray.

"I pray that you all put your shoes way under the bed at night so that you gotta get on your knees in the morning to find them. And while you're down there, thank God for grace and mercy and understanding. We all fall short of the glory. We all got plenty," he said.

"If you just start thinking of all the things you've got to say thank you for, that's a day. That's easily a day," he added.

The actor, who is currently starring in a Broadway adaption of Lorraine Hansberry's A Raisin in the Sun, told the young actors that before every show he and the cast gather for prayer led by a young boy, Bryce Clyde Jenkins, an actor in the show.

"We have a little boy in our show—we're doing Raisin in the Sun—and we have a circle. We pray every day," Washington noted. "And his prayer—this boy is prayed up. He just prays that we go out and touch someone tonight. He says, 'God, somebody out there needs us tonight.'"

Washington also encouraged the group to realize that while it is good to have money, they should not abuse their gifts for material gain.

"And we all have that unique gift to go out and touch people to affect people. Understand that gift, protect that gift, appreciate that gift, utilize that gift. Don't abuse that gift," he told the actors.

"You'll never see a U-Haul behind a hearse. ... Now, I've been blessed to make hundreds of millions of dollars in my life. I can't take it with me, and neither can you. It's not how much you have but what you do with what you have," Washington said.

Watch the video below.

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