Thursday, December 20


Where/What then are the lands yet to be possessed?

Inasmuch as it comes under the description there and not here, it fits into what we are discussing and God is particular about it.

Things we have asked and trusted God for: We need to realise that we are not bastards for there shall be a performance of things we have asked and trusted God for (Lk. 11.9-13). God will grant our requests inasmuch as they are according to His will and the season of favour shall surely come for unanswered prayers – Lk. 1.13,20; Acts. 10.4

Things still dark or unknown to us: The second area of of lands to be possesed has to do with things currently unknown. The plan of God is not to leave us in the dark but to reveal by His Spirit to us things that he has prepared for those who love him. There shall be revelations of things still dark or unknown to us, for we do not have a full awareness yet of the things God has prepared for us (1 Cor. 2.9-10; Dan. 2.21,22; Isa. 45.2,3). There is more to be known, if He can grant revelation unto a gentile king because of his desire, He will surely meet your desire to know.

Reward for all past obedience and faithfulness: Reward shall come for all past obedience and faithfulness, inasmuch as you continue to be obedient to God and to listen to your heart and not your head in truly following the Lord. It was after forty years that Joshua's season came to be rewarded for his faithfulness as a youth in following God. God is not mocked; you will reap whatever you sow (Eph. 6.7; Jos. 14.7-13). God has not forgotten your labours of love.

Help to tackle greater challenges: Greater experiences in life are shielded behind greater challenges. Many never attained greater heights in life simply because of the fear of great challenges. Everyman would need to prove himself in God as worthy of the greater height God has provided by being willing to tackel the challenge. Be assured also that there will be help to tackle greater challenges for greater experience: Jos. 17.17-18. True challenges only come to those who are dissatisfied with the status quo. As you attempt to do things differently to create a better result, and such attempts bring greater and fresh challenges, there will be help if you are really willing to face them: Jos. 17.18; 14.11,12

Sing and rejoice for greater things are awaiting you. It is not too late yet! What will happen to you is greater than what you see around. Glory to God!

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