Having seen the promise of Christ to build his church and that he did not leave it at that without assigning the church to a definite task, It becomes imperative that we look into the assignment vis-à-vis the attention we give it if we are pleasing him that called us (1 Tim. 2.5). We have been given an assignment that is made clear in the scriptures. It is seen from different perspectives: Seen as in the giving of pounds – Luk. 19.10-19. as in the sending – Jn. 20.21. As in the assurance of the possibility of greater works etc. – Jn. 14.12
The assignment constitutes the witnessing of Christ to the world – Matt. 28.19; Mk. 16.15; Luk. 24.46-48
It has to do with the witnessing his death. The death of Christ was not like the normal experience of every other man. He did not die he had sinned. Rather he died because of man’s sin and the sentence of God concerning man’s sin (death) - Gn. 2.16-17; Ezek. 18.4, 20; Rom. 6.23.
If God’s righteous requirement would be met death must be accomplished. He must die as the sinless Lamb of God that carried away the sin of the world – Jn. 1.29; so that whoever believes in him shall not perish …. – Jn. 3.16. This believing has to do with practical faith in the substitutionary nature of Christ’s death. The reason why Paul stated that “If you believe in your heart the Lord Jesus …. – Rom. 10.9-12. But if Christ’s death is the only message we have to declare, would it have constituted good news. Not only are we to witness or testify concerning his death …
We are to witness also his resurrection – Luk. 24.46 That he died for our sins but was raised for our justification – Rom. 4.25-26. A happening which enhanced the presentation of the proof of his redemptive work – Jn. 20.17.
It is the combination of these two that constitute the good news we preach – 1 Cor. 15.3-5.
Our Assignment which is to witness Christ features in two ways
It has to do with our testimony concerning the substitutionary work of Christ (the death which he experienced on the behalf of all sinners, taking their place to save them from death) – Mk. 16.19; Jn. 15.26,27.
Rom. 10.8-15 brings in a serious issue that the word that produces faith is to be proclaimed for everyone to believe and confess, calling on him whom they have believed. But see this that …
They will believe him of whom they have heard;
They will hear only because someone had preached to them;
Someone would preach because he has been sent;
The scriptures declared that the feet of the sent ones are beautiful – Isa 52.7 They run swiftly on the mountain because of the good news they bring; those who behold them from the distance also look forward to the message they bring. This scripture gives the implication that the beauty of the feet of those who bring the message has to do with their attitude based on their conviction and excitement about the good news they bear.
The assignment also has to do with the life we live as a result of the gift of salvation given to us. The world tells us today that you can only give what you possess. You can only offer the gospel which has transformed your life. Hence our lives therefore must reflect what we have – Phil 2.11-13; lest unbelievers blaspheme him that we preach – Rom. 2.17-24;
There is however an apathy that we cannot afford concerning the assignment today.
It is seen in the arm folding and gift wrapping stance we are maintaining as seen in Matt. 25.17; Luk. 19.20-21. the cause of the apathy is seen in three ways.
The first is laziness. Laziness means being unwilling to work or be active; not involving much energy activity; or from scriptural implication, being at ease (in Zion) – Am. 6.1; the second cause is lack of zeal – the drive/passion that comes with vision – Jn. 2.17; and the third, Self-interest as seen in Hagg. 1.2-5, when that which pertains to the Lord was left unattended to, but everything done for self.
If we would have a change of attitude then we should understand the implication of this apathy. Am. 6.1-7 proclaimed woe to those who are at ease in Zion, who had what they should do facing them but left it undone. The story in Luk. 19.21-25 also shows us the displeasure of the master and the judgment he meted to the servant that did not make use of what was allotted to him, but had it wrapped up and buried till master returned. The last implication of the apathy of not witnessing Christ is the doom awaiting the sinners – Jn. 3.16,17
The doom of sinners is not the desire of the father and his expectation is we respond in action passionately because of them, rescuing the perishing and caring for the dying – 2 Pet 3.9
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