Saturday, October 2

Christian in Politics

When the church understands that there is no divide between the secular and the spiritual (that the spiritual life finds expression on the secular platform) the complaints against christian participation in politics will stop.

It was only in Israel that prophets were as fathers to the kings. Simply because the selection and the anointing/installation of the kings was their official prerogative

The work of God is a man's life calling. Some serve him in the business world, others in the christian ministry; some on the political platform. Daniel wasn't a conventional prophet, rather he served in the palace fulfilling the interest of the Lord God of Israel. He gave no prophecy as a prophet speaking forth. he rather accounted for the things he saw and interpret the prophecies he read all in the political arena. Governance is also a calling. Against public demand or judgment, everyman should understand what God would want him to do.

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