Friday, November 5

The Need for Change

It is good to hear and be moved when the spiritual clarion indicates the need for change. At such times tools (ideas) are usually assembled; Builders are usually mobilized, while action might be held back on the beach of reservation.

We cannot both eat our cake and have it. It is either we understand and heed the law of sacrifice or stay back to abide alone.

Jesus was revolutionary while He was here. while enacting the Mosaic principles beyond what the lawgiver understood, He towed the path of a revolutionary. He used the platform contemporary to him to move forward. "You have heard...", he told them; "But I say to you", he quipped in conclusion without compromising the original intention.

The traditional elders might be drunken with anger about their traditions being violated. He had insisted on why he came: it was not to appease ancient minds, but to please the one that assigned him to come for that hour; to do his will and finish the works was His preoccupation.

He spoke directly to women: they too were important to God. He healed the sick on the sabbath: that was the intention veiled in the past. The custodian of the laws and traditions that we should commend received the other side of Him.

Change must be embraced when the need is obvious. I believe Sister Aimee Semple McPherson did preach the gospel in a revolutionary manner beyond the traditions many are promoting almost a century later.

Sancrosant on the church is the burden of bridge building that understand the meaning of separation from the world which was never intended as segregation. For how long shall the church continue to play safe? Can't we simply admit that we are afraid of the world that we suppose to win for the Lord.

The church complains about the manners of the world. Shame! Why then are armed with the gospel. The same fear we have of our youth. We would like them to repeat our history and preserve the past that God is great than.

We are all here for a time like this. None will come from the past nor from the future to do it for us. In the same manner as Jesus spoke the language the people understood and less of talitha cumi; we must embrace change and stop priding ourselves in the language of the past.

My concern is that when change is not embraced as at when due, we may look back to regret it later.

We cannot continue to play safe as comfort zone never brings optimal benefit. We must be daring to go for the deep, fish are there waiting. You don't actually get much of them on the beach of reservation or resignation.

If we fail to respond now, posterity would publish the history of a dark age, when light was not sufficient; of a people that repeated the history of the early (Jewish) church which embraced and celebrated its value above the universality of the gospel.

Again, I insist, the gospel is universal in nature. It is a gospel for all. Sis. Aimee was able to reach both the 'high flying' hollywood actors and the downtown folks.

If we tarry, the Holy Spirit will once again take charge directly, by turning the Deacons to fiery evangelists. He will rock the boat of stagnancy and send the ones for the hour, those without the title of hierachical formation beyond their immediate environs to turn the world upside down; those who shall take water of the word out of the pots of tradition and have it changed on their hands to produce the New Wine needed in a generation.

We mau thereafter call tjem our products, but hte Holy Spirit would have carroed out an agenda accordmg to the design we have violated.

As the Lord moves His Church into a season of change, may we understand the time and the demand of the season, to fly on the wings of the unreserved Holy Spirit. With Him we shall be safer than what we arrange for in our reservation. Let the church keep the legacy, not by the celebration of human tradition, but in the joy of being dynamic.

May the Lord advance His kingdom uniquely in our time.

Isaac Tolu Boluwatise

Sent from my Nokia phone

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