We cannot afford to have any problem with what the word says about the power of God. God's word is exalted above his name – Ps. 138.2. With his name the word constitutes the two immutable things by which it is impossible for God to lie – Heb. 6.13-18. Is this his word? Yes all scriptures are given by the inspiration of God... – 2 Tim. 3.6 this is God's word expressed through Paul.
God's power is surpassingly great – Eph. 1.19. His power is also at work towards/for us. The word power means ability; its being at work suggests that God's power is quickened or energised towards/for us. The power of God is not latent; it is quickened/active – according to the working power which he wrought in Christ.....
The power, being active, works. It works to heal; deliver; save; bless; lift; give victory; change. It produces change wherever it is directed. What energises it is not just the intention of God, but also the agreement of man with God. When man believes, all things become possible – Mk.9.23; the working mighty power becomes activated in him.
Here we see the significance of the prayer of Paul. It is for us to have a spiritual experiential consciousness of this power and the way it worked in the Lord.
How did it work in him? Initiated by the Father's design, the power was activated by the son's resignation (trusting faith) to the Father's will and effected by the work of the Holy Spirit.
We are to maintain/have a consciousness that uses the awareness of how the power worked towards Jesus.
He was raised (resurrected) from the dead, never to die again. Christ death is the death of death itself – 1 Cor. 15.54-57; Eph. 2.5;
He was seated in the heavens and we also in him – Eph. 2.6, thereby granting us control in the spiritual realm (aerial control) with a wider reach and distance removed.
He became exalted above all... Eph. 6.12; Col. 2.15. His resurrection exalted him above all of hell. They are defeated, though still here. We fight not for victory, but from victory, by taking stand (with the word) always
He got everything under his feet. The victory is won
He was given as head to the church which is the fullness or compeletion of Him that fills all in all. The power fills the universe through us with all the fullness of His authority, His victory, and His glory. We are His body and the comic force with which He penetrates everything here..
We are not denying the power of the devil; we are rather appreciating and establishing our preference for the power of God. The devil hates us and could attack all the plantings of the Lord around us. We do not avoid him or run from him; we consciously engage him every day with the full consciousness of God's power taking our stand with it always.
This is what he hates. He is frustrated with those who know the power at work towards them; and these are they that win in all life's battle.
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone provided by Airtel Nigeria.
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