Monday, February 27

Orderliness in the Church

And the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets." 1Co.14.32

I laugh as I read this verse, remebering a brother who once rendered its meaning as being: the spirit of junior prophets are subject to senior prophets.

Very funny, isn't it?

The verse speaks of self control required of someone with a revelation or a word. This is very essential for the purpose of order in the church.

It applies also to those who challenge their pastor in the name of being anointed to speak.

Pentecostalism should find its way back to orderliness.

Paul concluded succinctly: "Let all things be done decently and in order." 1 Cor 14:40

Thursday, February 9

18 Ways to Say No Positively | Ask Dr. Sears®

18 Ways to Say No Positively

"No" is a power-packed word, quick on the lips, easy to say. Your child will hear you use this word often, and you will hear it from your child as well. It's necessary for a parent to say "no" to a child so the child can later say "no" to himself. All children—and some adults—have difficulty delaying gratification. "I want it now" is a driving desire, especially in toddlers. Learning to accept "no" from someone else is a prelude to saying "no" to herself. What gets children (and adults) into trouble is a knee-jerk, impulsive reaction to a want, an immediate "yes" without taking time to run it through their internal sensor and consider the necessity of saying "no" to themselves. Here's how to use this negative little word to teach positive messages.

1. Strike a Balance

Too many no's and too many yeses cripple a child's self- discipline. It's important to achieve the right blend of yeses and no's in a child's environment. If you rarely say "no" to your child, the few times that you do he'll disintegrate because he's not used to being frustrated. If his whole day is full of "no's," the child believes the world is a negative place to be and will grow up a negative person. The real world will always be full of yeses and no's. In many homes, children soon learn who the yes parent is and who's more likely to say "no". Even the Ten Commandments has do's and don'ts.

2. No's Grow Too

The art of saying "no" develops along with your baby. During the first year, a baby's needs and wants are the same, so that you are mainly a "yes" parent. During the second year, baby's wants are not always safe or healthy, so you become a "yes" and "no" parent. From nine to fourteen months, no-saying is straight forward. We call them "low energy no's." Between fourteen and eighteen months, as babies click into overdrive, they get easily frustrated and are likely to protest being steered in a direction other than the one they want to go. This is when you will need both high energy no's and very creative alternatives. By eighteen months, no-saying can begin to be more matter-of-fact. Parents can begin to convey an attitude of "that's life and I'm confident you can deal with it." By two-years-of-age toddlers are experts at saying "no".

3. Use Creative Alternatives To "No"

one morning when she was eighteen- months-old our daughter Lauren, who was going through an impulsive phase, flitted around the house climbing and getting into everything. She was endangering herself and trashing the house. After the twentieth "no," I was tired of hearing that word and so was Lauren. on the wall in one of our children's bedrooms I noticed a poster of a kitten stuck out on a limb at the top of a tree. The caption read, "Lord, protect me from myself." I realized that Lauren needed rescuing from her impulsive self. She needed a change of environment. We spent the rest of the day outside. Parks and play-yards provide space and a "yes" environment in which to roam and climb. If you find yourself isolated with a curious toddler who is flitting from thing to thing with you chasing him around the house saying "no," consider changing to something more fun. Go outside; take along a book, plant yourself in a safe location, and let him run.


The fewer "no's," the better your day goes.

4. Teach Stop Signs

Even in the early months, teach baby to recognize body language that means "stop." Your baby needs to be exposed to "stop" body language long before hearing the "no" word. The first nip on your nipple during breastfeeding will invoke an "ouch" sign on your face; the first time your baby reaches for something dangerous, your face will register alarm. You are likely to get the best results from your stop signs if your baby has been used to positive body language, so that any change makes him sit up and take notice. Your "no's" will be more meaningful during toddlerhood if your baby sees a lot of "yes" body language: looks of pride and approval, gestures of delight and pleasure, eye-to-eye contact, hugs, tickles, and a sparkly face that says "I love you, you're great!"

We have noticed that attachment-parented children, because they spend hours a day in arms and in face-to-face contact, easily learn to read parents' faces and body language. Having lots of face-to- face contact in the early months makes face-to-face communication easier in the months and years to come. Some children are so impressed by body language that you can get your point across without even saying a word. An expressive mother of a connected two-year-old told us: "Usually all I have to do is glance at her with a slight frown on my face, and she stops misbehaving."

5. Teach Stop Sounds

Often a change in your mood or body language is not enough to redirect impulsive actions. Words are needed. Children soon learn which discipline words carry more power and demand a quicker response than others. And children soon learn which tone of voice means business and which allows for some latitude. Arm yourself with a variety of "stop-what-you're- doing" sounds so that you can choose one that fits the occasion. Tailor the intensity of the sound to the gravity of the behavior. Save the really big sounds for true danger.

6. Master "The Look"

You can often correct a child without saying a word. I have noticed that master disciplinarians use a look of disapproval that stops the behavior, but preserves the child's self-image. Martha, after disciplining eight children, has mastered "the look": head turned a bit, eyes penetrating, just the right facial gesture and tone of voice to convey to the child "I don't like what you're doing, but I still feel connected to you. I know that you know better." Remember, your eyes will disclose what you are really thinking and feeling. If you are feeling anger or contempt toward your child, that's what she will read in your eyes. If one or both of you recognize this is happening, you will have to apologize for the harshness of the feelings communicated toward her person by "the look." Be sure that stop signs and stop sounds stop the behavior and not the growth of self-worth in your child. Your child should understand that you disapprove of the behavior, not the child. To be certain you strike the right note in disapproval discipline, follow the look with a hug, a smile, or a forthright explanation, "I don't like what you did, but I like you."

7. Create Alternatives To The N-Word

Constantly saying "no" causes this word to lose its punch. Since stop sounds are used mainly to protect, try using more specific words that fit the situation. Consider this example: When a toddler is about to reach into the cat litter box your first reaction is to say "no," but follow it up with an explanation: "Dirty! Make you sick." Next time the child goes for the litter box (and he will do it again), instead of "no," say "Dirty! Make you sick." That and a disgusted expression on your face will help the child learn the why as well as the what of good behavior, and the litter box will lose its attraction. (We are assuming that the litter box is kept in a location well away from the toddler's beaten path. Litter, like sand, is irresistible to babies.) Babies start reaching for "no-nos" around six months.

Coincidentally, one day two-year-old Lauren came prancing into our study clutching a bag of peanuts. Instead of grabbing the peanuts from her and shouting "no" (they are on our chokable food list for children under three), Martha looked Lauren straight in the eyes and calmly said, "Not for Lauren." Her tone of voice and concerned look stopped Lauren in her tracks. Martha picked Lauren up (still clutching the peanuts) and headed off for the pantry where they found a safer snack. By using our standard "not for Lauren" phrase and giving her a safe alternative, she didn't have time to consider throwing a fit, which a "no" surely would have produced. In any family there will be items that are "not for" the little one. When you use this phrase calmly and consistently from early on the toddler understands you are protecting him.

"No" is so easy to say. It requires no thought. It's knee-jerk automatic, yet irritatingly oppressive. Saying "cannot" communicates more and you'll use it more thoughtfully (i.e. in situations where baby truly cannot proceed). You're respecting his mind as you protect his body. In our experience, babies respond to "stop" better than to "no." It gets the child's attention, and stops behavior long enough for you to plan other strategies. "Stop" is protective rather than punitive. "No" invites a clash of wills, but even strong-willed children will usually stop momentarily to evaluate a "stop" order, as if they sense danger ahead. Strong-minded children often ignore "no" if they've heard it a thousand times before. Even "stop" loses its command value if overused.

8. Use "The Voice"

Besides mastering "the look," reserve a special tone of voice for those occasions when you must get your point across. A veteran disciplinarian shared her secret with us: "I am an easy-going mommy, but my children know just by my tone of voice when they have crossed the line. one day our two-year-old was misbehaving and our four-year-old said, "Don't mess with Mommy when she talks like that!"

9. Give Positive Subs

Present a positive with your negative: "You can't have the knife, but you can have the ball." Use a convincing expression to market the "can do" in order to soften the "can't do." "You can't go across the street," you say with a matter-of-fact tone of voice; then carefully state, "You can help Mommy sweep the sidewalk." There is a bit of creative marketing in every mother.

10. Avoid Set-ups

If you're taking your child along with you to a toy store to buy a birthday present for your child's friend, realize that you are setting yourself up for a confrontation. Your child is likely to want to buy everything in the store. To avoid the inevitable "No, you can't have that toy," before you go into the store tell him that you are there to buy a birthday present and not a toy for him so that he is programmed not to expect a toy.

11. "No" Is a Child's Word, Too

Prepare yourself to be on the receiving end of "no." Your two-year-old has just run out the door. You ask her to come back. She yells "no!" Your first reaction is likely to be, "This little pip-squeak is not going to talk back to me that way. I'll show her who's boss..." (In our family, being disrespectful is a real "no-no.") Understanding what's behind that two-year-old and that two-letter word will help you accept this normal toddler behavior. Don't take "no" personally. Saying "no" is important for a child's development, and for establishing his identity as an individual. This is not defiance or a rejection of your authority. Some parents feel they cannot tolerate any "no's" at all from their children, thinking that to permit this would undermine their authority. They wind up curtailing an important process of self-emergence. Children have to experiment with where their mother leaves off and where they begin. Parents can learn to respect individual wishes and still stay in charge and maintain limits. As your child gets older, the ability to get along with peers in certain situations (stealing, cheating, drugs, and so on), will depend on her ability to say "no".

By eighteen months Lauren had surmised that "no" meant we wanted her to stop what she was doing. one day she was happily playing with water at the kitchen sink. As she saw me approaching, and in anticipation of me stopping her play, she blurted out an emphatic "No, Dad!" Lauren had staked out her territory, and she had concluded she had a right to do this. Her "no" meant she was guarding her space.

12. Use a Funny "No"

One afternoon I (Martha) walked into the TV room and saw Matthew and his friend watching a video that the older children had rented and watched the day before. (Later I found out Matthew had also watched it at that time.) I took one look at the movie and realized I would have to ask him to turn it off. Besides, it was the middle of the day and the boys should have been playing outside. As I stood watching the movie for a few moments planning my course of action, I caught the flavor of the character in the movie and in a spurt of inspiration decided to use humor to say no. As I clicked off the TV, I spun around on my heels and launched into a monologue using the character's facial expressions, accent, and hand gestures. I must have done a good job of impersonating this actor because both boys sat staring at me wide-eyed as though they couldn't believe their mom was capable of such improvised insanity. They both jumped up and headed out the door as the voice of this character told them to find something better to do. They were still laughing.

13. Personalize "No"

We are convinced Lauren is destined for public relations. Her "no, dad" was the diplomatic way to say no. By adding "dad" she personalized her message. Rather than giving a dictatorial "no," we add the child's name. If you tend to shout, a personalized address at least softens the sound and respects the listener. Some parents confuse respecting the child with granting him equal power, but this is not a power issue. The person with the power should respect the person taken charge of. That consideration holds true in parenting; it holds true in other relationships as well.

14. Have a "Yes" Day

Jill, mother of five-year-old Andrew, confided to me, "I don't like what's happening to me. I want to enjoy being a mother but our whole day is spent in conflict with each other. Andrew won't mind when I ask him to do even the simplest things. I'm becoming a cranky person, and I want to be a happy mother." I advised her, "Tell Andrew exactly what you want. Say 'I want to be a happy Mommy, not a cranky Mommy. (or ask Andrew 'Would you rather have a happy Mommy or a cranky Mommy?') To help me be a happy Mommy, we're going to have yes days. Every time I ask you to do something and you say 'yes Mommy,' I'm going to put a yes on the chart. At the end of the day if there are more yeses than no's, that's a yes day, and we'll do something special together.'" (or, let Andrew mark yes on his own chart.) Soon Andrew will realize that the happy Mommy is more fun to be with than the cranky Mommy, which will motivate him to continue having yes days.

15. Be Considerate

When you have to stop a behavior, there is no reason to be rude. For example, your baby discovers the tape dispenser someone left out. This is a wonderful toy. Instead of descending on him and snatching it from his hands, causing him to wail pitifully as you carry him off, you can take a few moments to explore it with him. Then you say "bye-bye" to the tape and hand him a decent length of the fascinating stuff to compensate for not getting the whole roll as you head off for a perhaps less interesting, but more age-appropriate activity.

16. When You Say It, Mean It

Follow through on your directives. For months we said to Lauren that in order to have bedtime stories she had to submit to toothbrushing. And for months it worked, sometimes easily, sometimes with a certain amount of coaxing and saying, "okay, no stories..." one night she decided to test me (Martha). I could tell by the set of her jaw and firmly shut lips that she finally was "calling my bluff." So rather than proceed with my coaxing and humoring, I calmly said "okay, no stories!" I turned off the lights and carried her to bed. She fussed a bit as I lay there with her, because she realized I had called her bluff and now the lights were out—the irreversible sign that the next step was to go to sleep. After that, toothbrushing went unchallenged and stories were reinstated.

17. Are You a Mother Who Can't Say No

In their zeal to give their children everything they need, some parents risk giving their children everything they want. Mothers who practice attachment parenting risk becoming totally "yes" mothers, with "no" being foreign to their parenting style.

It is important for the mother to feel comfortable saying 'no' to her little one from the very beginning. In fact, it begins when she teaches her newborn to latch on to the breast correctly. It is the mother's first discipline situation— to show baby how to latch on properly so that he can get fed sufficiently and she can avoid sore nipples. Some mothers cannot do this. They are afraid to be assertive for fear of causing baby to cry. They would rather let the baby do it wrong and put up with the pain. She will say 'no' early on when he yanks her hair or bites the breast while nursing. By telling him to stop because it hurts, she is beginning to teach boundaries. Serious no-saying comes with toddlerhood. Besides the literal word 'no' there are many ways to communicate that something is not safe or appropriate. Whether she says "stop that" or "put it down" or "not safe," or she physically redirects her toddler's activity, she is consistently and gently redirecting behavior and teaching boundaries. Whatever the terminology, saying 'no' is not a negative thing. It is a way of giving, and it takes a lot of effort. Mothers who can't say 'no' will have a big problem on their hands down the line. They become the moms that we see getting yanked around like puppets by their preschoolers.

When mothers begin saying 'no' at the appropriate times—confidently, firmly, and lovingly—It does not threaten the child. It might wrinkle him for a few minutes because he doesn't like hearing 'stop' or 'wait' or whatever the word might be that you pick.

18. When Your Child Won't Accept No

Children, especially those with a strong will, try to wear parents down. They are convinced they must have something or their world can't go on. They pester and badger until you say "yes" just to stop the wear and tear on your nerves. This is faulty discipline. If however, your child's request seems reasonable after careful listening, be willing to negotiate. Sometimes you may find it wise to change your mind after saying "no". While you want your child to believe your "no" means no, you also want your child to feel you are approachable and flexible. It helps to hold your "no" until you've heard your child out. If you sense your child is uncharacteristically crushed or angry at your "no," listen to her side. Maybe she has a point you hadn't considered or her request is a bigger deal to her than you imagined. Be open to reversing your decision, if warranted. Make sure, though, that she realizes it was not her "wear down" tactics that got the reversal of your decision.

Our daughter Erin seems destined to become a trial lawyer; she pleads her case with logic and emotion. Eventually, we learned to say "no" without discouraging Erin's creative persistence. When Erin wanted a horse, we said "no" (we had too many dependents already). Erin persisted. By trial and error we've learned that any big wish in a child, no matter how ridiculous, merits hearing the child's viewpoint. We listened attentively and empathetically while Erin presented her horse wish. We countered, "Erin, we understand why you want a horse. You could have a lot of fun riding and grooming a horse, and some of your friends have horses." (We wanted Erin to feel we understood her point of view). "But we have to say no; and we will not change our minds. Now let's sit down and calmly work this out." (Letting the child know her request is non-negotiable diffuses the child's steam and saves you from getting worn down.) "You are not yet ready to care for a horse." (We enumerated the responsibilities that went along with the fun of owning a horse.) "When you have finished another six months of lessons and you show us that you can be responsible for a horse, we'll talk about it then." Nine months later Tuffy was added to our list of dependents. Erin got her horse and she learned some valuable lessons in life: how to delay her gratification, and with privileges come responsibilities.

Wednesday, February 8

Keep These Thoughts

Keep These Thoughts
mushrooms keep these thoughts mushrooms

Maybe God wants us to meet a
few wrong people before meeting
the right one so that when we finally
meet the right person, we will know
how to be grateful for that gift.
flower flower flower
When the door of happiness closes,
another opens, but often times we look
so long at the closed door that we don't
see the one which has been opened for us.
flower flower flower
The best kind of friend is the kind you
can sit on a porch and swing with,
never say a word, and then walk away
feeling like it was the best
conversation you've ever had.
flower flower flower
It's true that we don't know what we've
got until we lose it, but it's also true
that we don't know what we've been
missing until it arrives.
flower flower flower
Giving someone all your love
is never an assurance that they'll love you back.
Don't expect love in return;
just wait for it to grow in their heart
but if it doesn't,
be content it grew in yours.
flower flower flower
It takes only a minute to get a crush on someone,
an hour to like someone,
and a day to love someone,
but it takes a lifetime to forget someone.
flower flower flower
Don't go for looks; they can deceive.
Don't go for wealth; even that fades away.
Go for someone who makes you smile
because it takes only a smile
to make a dark day seem bright.
Find the one that makes your heart smile.
flower flower flower
There are moments in life
when you miss someone so much
that you just want to pick them
from your dreams and hug them for real.
flower flower flower
Dream what you want to dream;
go where you want to go;
be what you want to be,
because you have only one life
and one chance
to do all the things you want to do.
flower flower flower
May you have enough happiness to make you sweet,
enough trials to make you strong,
enough sorrow to keep you human,
enough hope to make you happy.
flower flower flower
Always put yourself in others' shoes.
If you feel that it hurts you,
it probably hurts the other person, too.
flower flower flower
The happiest of people
don't necessarily
have the best of everything;
they just make the most of everything
that comes along their way.
flower flower flower
Love begins with a smile,
grows with a kiss
and ends with a tear.
flower flower flower
The brightest future will always be based
on a forgotten past,
you can't go on well in life
until you let go of 
your past failures and heartaches.
flower flower flower
When you were born, you were crying and
everyone around you was smiling.
Live your life so that when you die,
you're the one who is smiling and
everyone around you is crying.
flower flower flower
Please send this message to those people
who mean something to you,
to those who have touched your life
in one way or another,
to those who make you smile
when you really need it,
to those that make you see
the brighter side of things...
to let them know that
you appreciate their friendship.

And if you don't...don't worry,
nothing bad will happen to you,
you will just miss out on the opportunity
to brighten someone's day with this message...

~Author unknown~

tree keep these thoughts tree
