Saturday, January 19

A Must Read! 3 Things to do Before Jesus Returns

A Must Read! 3 Things to do Before Jesus Returns

"We have never been closer to Christ's return than we are right now. There's no generation that's been closer to his return than this generation."
- By Pastor Greg Laurie
As the world anticipated a final closing to life on December 21, 2012, many were left wondering what to do to prepare for the imminent return of Jesus Christ. Fortunately, Pastor Greg Laurie, of Harvest Church in Riverside, California, provided some insight as to what Christians need to do prior to Jesus' return. 
View Pastor Laurie's advice below:
1. Be Alert and Ready To Go
Believers must be alert, watching for him, as Luke 12:37 suggests, Pastor Laurie said. "We have never been closer to Christ's return than we are right now. There's no generation that's been closer to his return than this generation." Believers also need to be ready to go, Pastor Laurie said. "Have your bags packed, and your comfortable shoes on." In other words, "be engaged in activities you won't be ashamed of when He comes," he explained.

2. Live a Godly Life
"It's a good thing to ask yourself… this place that I'm about to go, this thing that I'm about to do… would I be embarrassed or ashamed to be doing such a thing if Jesus were to come back. If the answer is, 'yes,' then don't do it. If you can't pray over your plans for the evening, don't do those things," Pastor Laurie said. Believers should live godly lives knowing Jesus is returning, Pastor Laurie said.

He cited Romans 13:11-13, "And do this, understanding the present time: The hour has already come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light. Let us behave decently, as in the daytime, not in carousing and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and debauchery, not in dissension and jealousy."

Pastor Laurie added that a believer must also not be "competing" with others, referring to the desire to prevail over other people, to want the highest prestige, the most recognition or prominence.

3. Stay Away from Immortality
Now is not the time to party and drink, Pastor Laurie suggested. Instead of being drunk on wine or spirits, believers must remain under the influence of the Holy Spirit, he said. Stay away from immorality, he added. Pre- or extra-marital sex is a sin against God; He is not okay with it, as some might think. "Looking up p*rnography is like throwing gasoline on a fire," Pastor Laurie warned. "You don't beat lust, you starve it."

Pastor Laurie concluded stating that he doesn't know when the world will end. "But maybe the end of your world is closer to the end of the world," he told the audience, asking, "Are you ready to meet God?"

Source: All Christian News

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