Friday, July 26

6 Vital Things to Pray Over Your Kids [feedly]

In today's world, all we have to do to be worried or afraid for our kids is wake up every morning! There is fear and doubt all around us.

Anyone can look at the condition of society or at the behavior of their children and be fearful. But God calls us and our kids to be salt and light in the earth (Matt. 5:13-14). We do not have the spirit of fear (2 Tim. 1:7).

So, how do we keep our kids surrounded with faith every day when things don't look so good? By saying what God says. By speaking His Word's of faith over them. If we go by what we see, it's easy to be afraid. But faith believes something it can't see yet—it goes by the promises of God!

In Romans 4:17, the Bible says that God calls those things which be not as though they were. I believe you and I can do that too—there is power in our words!

Think about it: What "be nots" exist in your child's life today? Do they "be not" obedient? Do they "be not" doing well in school or staying on track with God? If so, let's start calling those things as though they are, releasing our faith words over them as God has instructed us.

Speak the Word 

I don't know about you, but I can always use a "parenting refresher" when it comes to keeping my kids surrounded with faith. Here are six vital prayers that will help God's perfect will come to pass in the lives of your kids:

1) God has a good plan for my child (Jer. 29:11; Rom. 11:29). "Father, thank you for the wonderful, divinely ordered plan you have for my child's life. (He/she) has a divine destiny, and I proclaim that they are walking in it today. I declare that they are fulfilling God's plan for their life, and they have a bright future!"

2) The Holy Spirit is helping my kids (1 John 4:4; John 14:16, AMP). "The Greater One lives in my children today. He helps them, guides them, encourages them, protects them, and empowers them. He is greater than any plan or force of the enemy and causes my children to overcome in every situation of life."

3) I refuse to fear (2 Tim. 1:7; Mark 5:36). "Father, I refuse to be afraid about my children. I surround them with faith and with the love of God. I imagine them successful, happy, protected and healthy. Whenever I think of my children and their future, I have a sound mind. I picture them surrounded with God's power and protection."

4) Our family walks in love (1 Cor. 13:4-8; Eph. 5:1-2). "My relationship with my children is blessed; we walk in love with each other and enjoy each other as God intended. Love is free to reign in our household. We don't allow strife or division but declare that our home is filled with peace and harmony. Give us wisdom, Father, to bless and help each other."

5) Peace reigns in the heart and mind of my children (Is. 54:4; Col. 3:15). "My children are taught of the Lord, so they have God's peace upon them in every sense of the word—wholeness, completeness, nothing lacking, nothing lost. That peace guides them and keeps them. My children have great peace in their lives."

6) My children are diligent (Prov. 10:4; 2 Pet. 3:14). "My children are not lazy but good workers who persevere, even when it's hard. They stick with things and refuse to quit. They are steady, earnest and energetic. Because of that, they will not be poor but rich, according to God's Word."

As believers, we don't have to be afraid—we can have faith! We can live above the trials of this world when we keep our eyes on the Lord. As you pray these prayers over your kids, expect to see supernatural results!

Karen Jensen teaches "Parenting With a Purpose" seminars all over the world ( She is an instructor at Rhema Bible Training College ( and the author of "Why God Why: What to Do When Life Doesn't Make Sense" published by Charisma House ( 

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