Friday, August 27

Legitimacy of Power and Sword Versus Wisdom in Prayer and Dependence

In one of the issues of Breakpoint commentary, Chuck Colson pointed out that, "This fallen world is dangerous, and out of mercy, God has given legitimate governments the power of the sword to protect us. The just war doctrine, derived from Scriptures, enables us to evaluate and hold our national leaders accountable when they must use the sword.

"We know from 2 Chronicles that King Jehoshaphat of Judah was a great warrior with a large, seasoned army. But when Jehoshaphat was confronted with an invasion, instead of riding out to meet the invaders, he led the people in prayer. "We do not know what to do," he prayed, "but our eyes are on you." And God's deliverance came in a thoroughly unexpected way. Jehoshaphat's army didn't fire a shot.

"Christians should follow the example of Jehoshaphat in prayer. Yes, we have the finest fighting men in the world... But remember that prayer is mightier than our armies, and God alone gives the victory or defeat."

Thanks and best regards,

IAT Boluwatise

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