Sunday, August 1

Be Responsible

SunsetImage by Umang Dutt via Flickr

It is quite common for people to generalize when they speak without being situation or condition-specific. Often time following such words is feeling of guilt in those who are not mature.

I once had an opportunity to share somewhere on "Understanding the Will of God'. To do a measure of justice to a thought I discovered in the context of Ps. 103, I quickly pass a few comment on "he satisfied my mouth with good things ...." I explained how there is the possibility of being satiated with the abundance that God can supply and how this suggest his willingness to meet our need.

I made reference to times in the past where many have been taught to think short of abundance and how on the other hand many make judgments based on the sphere of their experience. For instance, a preacher once spoke against what on earth one will do with the ownership of four to five cars. 'it is sheer wastefulness" he declared, "and madness". I did not know this until someone reacted against the statement in the previous paragraph. While I took care not to know who made the statement, I made bold to state that the statement cannot be generalized as situations in life are diverse.

A man who is blessed to be on the board of multiple companies might be fortunate to have official vehicles from all. His status commanded it without him having need to spend money buying any of them. You cannot judge him for sheer madness. A man who is not too outgoing and that has a few wears reserved for special functions and occasions cannot be judged to be hoarding materials if he has not touched some of the specials in six months.

A man who knows the secret place of prayer to make his need known to God cannot be subjected to common judgment as the one who has desires with the skill to transverse around to garner support to be able to acquire what is bigger than his size.

Before you start to make doctrine of non-universals, make the decision to take responsibility for your life.
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