To that end, the AG Executive Leadership Team and I developed five core values that summarize how I believe God would have me fulfill my position of stewardship. They are:
- Passionately proclaim, at home and abroad, by word and deed Jesus as Savior, Baptizer in the Holy Spirit, Healer, and Soon Coming King.
- Strategically invest in the next generation
- Vigorously plant new churches and revitalize existing ones.
- Skillfully resource our Fellowship
- Fervently pray for God's favor and help as we serve Him with pure hearts and noble purpose
Jesus Is Our Savior, Baptizers, Healer and Soon-Coming King
From the earliest days of our fellowship, the ministers of the Assemblies of God have proclaimed Jesus Christ as Savior, Baptizer in the Spirit, Healer, and soon-coming King. Proclaiming Christ is the reason we exist. Just as in the early days of the Church, this proclamation must know no boundaries of social class, community structure or geographic or political barriers.
The Next Generation Is the Lifeline of the Assemblies of God
Establishing New Churches and Revitalizing Existing Ones Must Become This Fellowship's Priority
I believe the Spirit wants to not only take the young leaders anxious to get out and make a mark for God, but He also wants to take senior veterans and launch them into new ministries they never would have imagined. As we partner with the Holy Spirit across this Fellowship, there are great churches in communities as yet unreached waiting to be born, waiting to impact their world for Christ. We must recognize no existing church or ministry has a territory. We must work together to see churches begin filling the thousands of communities we have yet to reach.
We Can Reach the World If We Can Equip Believers
If we're going to know how to skillfully resource this Fellowship, we must skillfully listen first. Relationship building and communication are vital to the current health and future vitality of this Fellowship. We are committed to producing an array of resources for every group represented in our Fellowship. Our goal at the national office is to assist churches and believers in sharing the timeless gospel while addressing today's changing needs.
The Assemblies of God's Commitment to Pray Will Determine Its Destiny
Without this fifth core value, the first four will accomplish nothing. The church and the believer must fervently pray in order to accomplish anything for the Kingdom. It is too easy for us to rely on our own efforts and our own strength. Prayer drives us to our knees in dependence upon God, reminding us that human effort cannot accomplish His purposes.
These five core values do not replace the fourfold purpose of the AG or our 16 foundational truths. These are simply the nuances of this administration and its commitment to furthering what the Assemblies of God is already about.
These values are benchmarks. And they come straight from my heart. Many around the world have a similar heart to work for God. With His help, these values are achievable today and in the years to come. I hope you will join with me and with committed men and women across the Assemblies of God in implementing what I believe is God's vision for a 21st century church.
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