Friday, April 25

Work Your Way Down to Effective Leadership

For productive leaders, "let go and let God" usually means let others do their part. Surround yourself with people who are more capable of getting the job done than you are. God has designed His work to be a group effort, so put the work in the hands of those He's given you.

Are you so busy trying to do it all yourself that you're not equipping others to do their part? Make it a point to re-think your approach and welcome help from people God wants to have minister alongside you.

The end goal of every ministry should be to meet needs within the scope of the ministry. You may be the best one to get it all done but probably not. Chances are, God wants to raise up saints whose gifts are specifically designed for the necessary service.

Do you mind being the coach rather than the star? Do some soul-searching to make sure your ministry motives are pleasing to God.

Biblically, the pastor and pastoral staff are not the stars of the team. They're the coaches. Their job is to get the people of the church off the bench and onto the field, whether in ministries within the church, in the community, or doing the work of the Lord in the workplace.

How well are you doing at working yourself down and others up? You may need to adjust your ministry strategies so you can become downwardly mobile.

In Mark 10:45 Jesus says, "I came not to be served, but to serve." He teaches that our goal as leaders should be to keep working our way down until we are supporting everyone else. So the top becomes the bottom, and we become the most supportive people in the equation.

The post Work Your Way Down to Effective Leadership appeared first on Dr. George O. Wood.

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