Friday, May 16

What TD Jakes Hates Most About Megachurch Culture

Megachurches have plenty of critics—including the pastor of one of the most popular megachurches in America.

Indeed, Bishop T.D. Jakes, senior pastor of the Potter's House in Dallas, says he has one issue with megachurch culture. Oddly enough, it has to do with how pastors fit into the mix.

"There are pastors whose ego demands that type of adulation. ... It's the part of ministry that I hate," said Jakes while promoting his book Instinct. "I hate it because from the inside out I see myself as quite normal. The pressure to live up to all of your expectations frustrates me."

That's right, he doesn't like how pastors are exalted as demigods—or pastors who demand to be exalted like some idol.

"I'm the same guy that pastored 50 people on Easter Sunday," he said. "I didn't turn into some kind of creature when they became 5,000."

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